Links to Free Governmental Safeguarding related courses plus a short free safeguarding awareness course

Most of these are official government approved training. SAFEcic do not supply/charge for courses which are available free of charge from official sources.

Prevent Awareness Training; Official Prevent Duty Training and link to referral site. Also includes Channel Awareness. Official Prevent Duty Training and link to referral site. Also includes Channel Awareness.
Making a Prevent Referral; Find out how to report any concerns you have about a child, young person or adult learner who you think may be vulnerable to being drawn into extremism.

All front line staff who have a mandatory duty to report FGM (Regulated health and social care professionals and teachers) and those who wish to raise their knowledge of the issues involved, please follow this link for their FREE Home Office training.

Modern Slavery guidance, resources and training from HM Government.
The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) Resources and Training NCSC is part of GCHQ.
Parents and carers can click here to access How to protect your child from abuse written by Charles Fortt, a leading safeguarding expert.