The Safeguarding Specialists
01379 871091

Leading on Child Safeguarding Course

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1 to 4 £29.99 each
5 to 9 £26.99 each
10 to 19 £24.99 each
20 to 49 £22.99 each
50 to 99 £20.99 each

Standard Child Safeguarding

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LCS 2023

Online Leading on Child Safeguarding Course

3 hours CPD

This course takes an hour to complete and is designed for nominated Child Safeguarding leads and deputies in all sectors. (A current SAFEcic Standard Child Safeguarding course or equivalent is a pre-requisite)

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, learners will be able to;

tickExplain the key responsibilities of the Lead and Deputy for Safeguarding

tickName the key points that need to be included in a safeguarding policy

tickIdentify and reference their specific sector safeguarding requirements

tickDescribe the meaning of valid consent within the context of legislation

tickExplain how to work effectively with other professionals and agencies, with children, young people and their families when there are safeguarding concerns.

tickDescribe how to record, monitor and make a child safeguarding referral

tickExplain how to assess if a concern needs to be referred to the relevant agencies, including those online

tickAdvise other agencies of their professional opinions of individual children in safeguarding cases.

tickDescribe the key steps in making referrals to social services and the police if relevant

tickOutline how to manage complaints and allegations against personnel including making referrals to social services, the police, the LADO ( Local Authority Designated Officer), the DBS, professional and relevant sector regulatory bodies.

tickExplain how to keep clear, accurate and contemporaneous records with particular reference to; what has been said, what has been seen, and what has been done in relation to concerns of abuse.

tickDescribe how they might fulfil "duty of care"

tickCarry out safeguarding risk assessments of their organisation's working practices to help keep children and young people safe

TrusterSupplier PNGUnits;

  • Introduction, Legislation and Guidance
  • Policy making
  • Identifying concerns and making referrals
  • Handling allegations
  • Online Safety
  • Course assessment, downloads and feedback

This SAFEcic quality assured course meets the training requirements of local Safeguarding Partnerships, Boards and/or Committees, the Care Quality Commission, Ofsted, the Charity Commission, other regulatory bodies across the UK, Ireland and the Channel Islands and the educational criteria required for Level Three required for verifiable enhanced Continuing Professional Development under the General Dental Council's Lifelong Learning Scheme. It represents 3 hours of verifiable CPD, learning outcomes A, B and D. The course includes a certificate and a comprehensive digital training pack

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