The Safeguarding Specialists
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Dental Hub Home

Getting Started

A useful start point is this flow chart that gives an at-a-glance overview of everything you need to do to meet CQC standards, including DBS checks, training and policies. Click here or on the image to download a pdf version.

dentists cqc compliance flowchart v5.4 2017



Welcome to the SAFEcic dental resource micro-site designed for dental care professionals. These pages have been provided to assist personnel employing, managing, being employed or volunteering within any dental setting. The pages focus exclusively on helping you meet your safeguarding obligations, highlighting the checks required under the DBS (Disclosure & Barring Service) scheme (formerly CRB). The site also details the training required by the CQC (Care Quality Commission), including which courses are required in the dental setting.

Dental Practice Staff Safeguarding Training Requirements

In addition to the mandatory DBS checks all staff within the practice must be trained in standard child safeguarding which will give them insight on how to recognise potential signs of abuse and how to respond to concerns in a way that provides protection for all those involved. In addition, if your staff deal with adult patients then they also require training in standard adult safeguarding, as any adult undergoing treatment is legally defined as vulnerable or at risk under the Care Act 2014. 

Training can be taken online or face to face and both SAFE's online and face to face child safeguarding courses for dental teams include scenarios that are specific to the dental setting, ensuring the training is applicable to students' roles.

Online Child Safeguarding Training for Dental Staff

This course is essential for all those organisations whose board directors and senior managers , employees and volunteers work directly with children, young people or their families. Compliant with the latest legislation, government guidance and with direct links to your local Safeguarding Children Partnership/Board or local equivalent, this course covers everything workers need to know about what might concern them, how to respond to concerns appropriately and consider safer working practice.

Modules include: 

  • Legislation & Guidance
  • Recognition of child abuse
  • How to respond to concerns
  • Who to contact when there is a concern
  • Fulfilling "duty of care"
  • Safe practice and keeping children safe
  • Additional links and downloads
  • Direct links to your local Safeguarding Children Partnership/Board (Area Child Protection Committees in Scotland)

All SAFE's courses are interactive and take around an hour to complete. Students need not complete the training in a single sitting and can take their training in bite-sized chunks. All courses provide a personalised certificate upon successful completion and certificates can be downloaded and printed at any time. Certificates remain valid for two years.

Online Adult Safeguarding Training for Dental Staff

The Standard Adult Safeguarding course - also known as Safeguarding of Adults at risk (SOVA) or Protection of Adults at risk (POVA), is essential learning for all those organisations whose work directly engages with adults at risk or their families.

Compliant with the latest legislation, government guidance and including links to your local Adult Safeguarding Partnership/Board, this online e-learning course covers everything staff need to know about what might concern them, how to respond to concerns appropriately and what to consider in adopting safer working practice.

The course covers:

  • Legislation and guidance
  • The recognition of adult abuse
  • How to respond to concerns
  • Who to contact when there is a concern
  • Fulfilling "duty of care"
  • Safe practice and keeping vulnerable adults safe
  • Direct links to your local Adult Safeguarding Partnership/Board (Adult Protection Committees in Scotland)

All SAFE's courses are interactive and take around an hour to complete. Students need not complete the training in a single sitting and can take their training in bite-sized chunks. All courses provide a personalised certificate upon successful completion and certificates can be downloaded and printed at any time. Certificates remain valid for two years.

Designated Lead & Deputy

Each practice requires a designated lead and deputy responsible for safeguarding within the practice.
The designated safeguarding lead and deputy require training in leading on child safeguarding and if your practice deals with adult patients they also require leading on adult safeguarding training. These courses detail their specific roles and responsibilities in relation to safeguarding. These are in addition to the standard safeguarding courses listed above.

Online Leading on Child Safeguarding


This course is specifically developed for trustees, designated child safeguarding leads and deputies. It is compliant with the latest legislation and government guidance. The course includes links to your local Safeguarding Children Partnership/Board. It also covers the key aspects of managing safeguarding arrangements, including child protection and other vital policies, identifying concerns and making referrals, handling allegations and complaints and eSafety. Completion of the SAFEcic Standard Child Protection course (or equivalent) is a pre-requisite.

Online Leading on Adult Safeguarding

This course is specifically developed for the designated adult safeguarding leads and deputies. The course covers the key aspects of managing safeguarding arrangements including adult safeguarding and other vital policies, identifying concerns/making referrals, handling allegations and complaints, and eSafety. Completion of the SAFE cic Standard Adult Safeguarding Course (or equivalent) is a pre-requisite.

The CQC does not regard training courses in child or adult safeguarding (formerly referred to as child protection and safeguarding of adults at risk), to be sufficient on their own. All organisations working with adults at risk or children and young people also require a safeguarding adults at risk policy and adult safeguarding procedures; and a child protection policy and child protection procedures to be in place and up to date 

All references and information required for organisations to create their own is available here on our website. We also offer proforma template policies and procedures (updated when appropriate) and online safeguarding self-audits free with SAFE Membership, which can save many hours of work for busy management teams.

Safeguarding Policy & CQC

The CQC does not regard training courses in child or adult safeguarding (formerly referred to as child protection and safeguarding of adults at risk), to be sufficient on their own. All organisations working with adults at risk or children and young people also require a safeguarding adults at risk policy and adult safeguarding procedures; and a child protection policy and child protection procedures to be in place and up to date 

All references and information required for organisations to create their own is available here on our website. We also offer proforma template policies and procedures (updated when appropriate) and online safeguarding self-audits free with SAFE Membership, which can save many hours of work for busy management teams.

Annual SAFE Membership saves you time and money in meeting your safeguarding obligations and provides peace of mind for 12 months. Membership includes access to download template policies and procedures for child and adult safeguarding, saving many days of research and policy writing. Click here for more details.

Membership also provides expert telephone and email support on safeguarding matters, DBS and recruitment issues. Additionally we provide a free expert review of all your safeguarding arrangements to attain the SAFE Award. Successful online submission to the SAFE Award risk assessment allows the use of the SAFE logo, under licence, on all your publicity materials assuring customers and clients of high standards of safeguarding.

Membership also entitles organisations to generous discounts on face to face and online safeguarding training and insurance discounts. For a full list of membership benefits click here.

Click here to join.

The government recognises the need for knowledge and training around FGM, Counter Terrorism and Modern Slavery. The free resources and courses below have been developed by government departments to help with this.

Rather than developing our own versions (and charging for them) SAFEcic provides a page that links to the official, free training and resources. Click on any title to access the page.

Prevent Awareness; Official Home Office E-Learning Training on Prevent Awareness

Prevent Referrals; This package builds on the Prevent awareness eLearning training. It is designed to make sure that when we share a concern that a vulnerable individual may be being radicalised, that the referral is robust, informed and with good intention, and that the response to that concern is considered, and proportionate.

Channel Awareness; This training package is for anyone who may be asked to contribute to, sit on, or even run a Channel Panel. It is aimed at all levels, from a professional asked to input and attend for the first time, to a member of staff new to their role and organising a panel meeting.

FGM Training; All front line staff who have a mandatory duty to report FGM (Regulated health and social care professionals and teachers) and those who wish to raise their knowledge of the issues involved, please follow this link for their FREE Home Office training.

Modern Slavery; Guidance, resources and training from HM Government.

It is recommended that all staff working with young people are trained annually in Online Safety.

SAFE's Online Safety courses are designed for anyone working with children and young people. They teach participants about the power of digital communication and the accessibility and reliability of Internet information. The scope includes lessons where candidates can find out for themselves some of the information held about them personally on the Internet.

Course Content

The Online Safety course contains sections identifying the relevant key legislation for Online Safety Safeguarding issues and specific criminal offences which frequently involve modern technology. The course also teaches participants how to respond correctly to Online Safety concerns and identifies Online Safety Best Practice.

There are quizzes throughout the course designed to promote thought on this subject and help people consider what they know and how to apply their knowledge.

There is also a final assessment test which needs to be passed to gain a certificate confirming they have successfully completed the Wise up to the Web Standard Online Safety Course.

Course Certificate

Certificates are valid for one year, are downloadable at any time from our website (pdf file) by either the person who has completed the course or their administrator. They can be verified by visiting our website and entering the Certificate Number. This will check our files and display Name, Date, Expiry and type of certificate.


These courses are designed for people who have completed current child safeguarding training. They are based on current research from Child Exploitation Online Protection Centre (CEOP), SAFE and other organisations.

Purchasing Online Safety Courses

Purchase Online Online Safety training here



Free Online Safety Resource Hub

ezSAFE resource hub orange

EZSafe is a free online resource for all those who work with children and young people and their parents/carers and contains a wealth of videos and text based information covering many aspects of Online Safety.

Online Safety Flow Chart

Click image to download pdf copy


Desktop audits (entirely online) and on-site audits  are available. We are now accepting bookings for on site Audits for January 2020 onwards. Confirmation will be strictly subject to SAFE's risk assessment of the venue in accordance with relevant government COVID-19 guidance at time of the training.

The expert SAFE team has offered safeguarding audits and pre-inspection audit services for a wide range of organisations such as those in leisure, health and education since 1999. These services are dedicated to raise standards for safeguarding children and/or adults and also assist managers in benchmarking the safeguarding arrangements in their organisation.

Please email us with your contact details for further information and quotations.

SAFE audits are based upon the many years experience of the SAFE multi agency team and designed to reflect the expectations of inspection authorities including Ofsted and the CQC; and are based upon the seven SAFE standards for safeguarding :

  • Nominating and training appropriate personnel as safeguarding leads
  • Circulating current and accurate safeguarding policies and procedures
  • Managing the safer recruitment and supervision of staff
  • Adopting and implementing a staff training strategy
  • Circulating relevant associated polices including eSafety and confidentiality
  • Producing evidence of essential legal requirements including insurance, health & safety and relevant compliance such as CQC or Ofsted
  • Carrying out safeguarding risk assessments and “hot spotting” activities such as one to one work, sports, transport and photography

What does the Audit Service Involve?

Typically taking three days (or more for larger complex organisations or those with multi sites) the SAFE audit team carry out onsite visits, meet staff ( and customers if relevant), scrutinise paperwork to evidence standards, inspect premises and produce thorough reports. These reports include the evidence seen and highlight any actions required to meet the standards.

Actions are graded for priority and are followed up afterwards. Successful organisations are then presented with the National SAFE Award which can be used to reassure parents and carers that every possible step has been taken to safeguard the children and adults in their care.

 For more information please email us here with your contact details. Prices range from £500 per day for charities and £995 for large businesses.

Dental Practice Staff Safeguarding Training Requirements

How Long Does It Take?

The standard face to face safeguarding training takes between 3 and 4 hours at your location and is limited to a maximum of 30 personnel in a single setting. Clients can choose to add on the lead and deputy training for two people immediately following the session and this will add a further 90 minutes to the training. We can also complete training in an extended lunch session of 2 hours if required!

What Will we Learn About Child Protection and Safeguarding?

The course is aimed at all those who work or volunteer directly with children, young people, and/or their families. It is carefully designed to ensure your staff know everything they need to from having a concern, confidentiality, recording and referring to your senior leads for safeguarding. It complies with the latest staff training standards for CQC.

Meeting the latest requirements of “Working Together to Safeguard Children", the course covers:

  • The latest safeguarding legislation, national and local policies and procedures
  • Recognition of child abuse concerns
  • How to respond appropriately to concerns and /or allegations
  • eSafety
  • Relevant case studies
  • Discussing best working practices

All participants receive a high-quality comprehensive training pack, verifiable hours of CPD for the duration of the training and a SAFE Certificate, valid for 3 years.

Management Briefing and Five-Point Health Check

(Suitable for Trustees, senior management, CEOs, HR, the corporate Lead and Deputy for safeguarding and the Trustee or director with safeguarding in their portfolio)

 This half day management briefing and five point health safeguarding check will provide the opportunity to identify and plan actions needed to help your organisation meet it's ‘legal duty of care’ both in the UK (and abroad if relevant) including: safeguarding policies and procedures, safer recruitment, DBS checks, managing concerns and staff allegations, crises and media management. This will involve scrutiny of your corporate structure and the relevant policies, procedures, handbooks, safer recruitment and training strategy. It will also create the opportunity to address any issues arising and adopt recommendations for future actions. The session will include consideration for various legislative responsibilities, quality assurance and best safeguarding practice.

This briefing includes a comprehensive training pack and certificate of attendance, valid for 2 years, for each delegate.

Discounts are available for multiple bookings and to request an accurate quotation please call the SAFE team on 01379-871091 or email us at

Regulations Covering The Dental Sector

You can also download our useful guide to the latest regulation covering the dental sector in England, Wales,
Northern Ireland and Scotland by clicking here

Safeguarding in general dental practice A toolkit for dental teams 2020


NHS App Access


Online Safety Referral Flowchart
