International Standard Child Safeguarding training course
This course is available in either English or Arabic versions and is selected for each individual candidate after purchase.
Our online courses become indexed reference documents once completed, accessible at any time.
Each credit bought here can be used for any one of our Mix & Match courses

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All SAFE's online child protection and adult safeguarding courses are highly interactive, with quizzes and multimedia content. Course duration is typically one hour and students have the ability to login and take the training in bite-sized chunks as they see fit.
International Child Protection Safeguarding Training Course Overview
This course is a must for all organisations and individuals who work across the globe, especially in countries where safeguarding training is difficult to access.

It is especially relevant for international schools and colleges, faith groups, charities and aid relief providers.
The course is ideal for anyone who provides services, funding and supplies to, or works directly, or has contact with children, young people and/or their families.
Developed by our in-house team of experts who have provided face to face training across the Middle East and Europe, it aims to promote the best possible, and universally accepted, working practices and covers:
- How to find the legislation, guidance and agency referral routes of the relevant country
- The recognition of child abuse and how to identify safeguarding issues
- How to respond to concerns appropriately
- Who to contact when there is a concern
- Fulfilling "duty of care"
- Safer working practices and keeping children safe
A certificate and useful downloadable resources are provided upon successful completion of SAFE online training courses. Certificates can be downloaded and printed at any time and remain valid for two years.
Training can also be easily tracked by the organisation, making staff records and certificates easy to maintain.
The Arabic version of this course was developed in partnership with Amman Baccalaureate School, Jordan.
SAFE's International Customer Comments
British International School Riyadh

"At BISR we used the SAFE training to make all our staff – teachers, and non-teachers – aware of protection issues. There is no doubt that awareness was raised through the process and in addition to the hour or so spent on the on-line course, the process generated considerable professional dialogue. Staff are proud of their certificates, and the most competitive among us, weren’t satisfied until they gained 100%."
Chris Mantz , Principal
Qatar International School

"At Qatar International School we believe that it is always unacceptable for a student to experience abuse of any kind and recognise our responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all children. To achieve this, providing a consistent level of training to all our employees to ensure the same level of awareness was of key importance. The SAFE online training allowed us to provide accessible, recognisable and specialised training that was applicable to an international educational environment.”
Mr Deane Baker, QIS School Principal