The Safeguarding Specialists
01379 871091

Jersey Adults

The The Care Act 2014 requires each local authority to establish a Safeguarding Children Board. This legislation has not been introduced into Jersey.

However following the Acts principles the Safeguarding Partnership Board (SPB) has been established to co-ordinate work in Jersey to safeguard children and adults, and to monitor and challenge the effectiveness of Jersey’s safeguarding arrangements.

Dial 999 in an emergency

Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)



The Care Act 2014 and the National Guidance from the UK Care and Support Guidance for Care Act 2014 updated 2024 is included to ensure practitioners, managers and senior leaders have access to a full range of guidance to support local practice and strategic development.

Jersey Multi-Agency Adult Safeguarding Policy and Procedures Manual

Multi-Agency Capacity Policy and Procedures [Jersey] February 2018

Equality and Diversity Guidance (2017) Guidance and advice to all who work with children and adults at risk.

Guidance for Safe Recruitment, Selection and Retention for Staff and Volunteers Whilst this was written for children it is being taken as best practice for all vulnerable people