The Safeguarding Specialists
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Today is Safer Internet Day

Source: UK Safer internet Centre published on this website Tuesday 11 February 2025 by Jill Powell

For Safer Internet Day 2025 (11th February), new research released by the UK Safer Internet Centre (UKSIC), coordinators of the day in the UK, reveals that exposure to scams is a regular part of life online for young people, with 79% of 8 to 17-year-olds coming across scams online at least once a month, almost half (45%) at least once a week, and 20% seeing scams online every day.
The research found that almost half of 8 to 17-year-olds (46%) have been scammed online and 9%, including 8-year-olds, have lost money to an online scam before – highlighting the critical need for more support to tackle online crime and help young people stay safe online.
Now, more than ever, we need to respond to this as for children and their parents and carers the situation seems to be getting worse. The research found that 83% of parents and carers feel there are more scams than ever before, a view shared by almost half of children (47%). In addition, 81% of parents and carers and 43% of teens feel that online scams are getting more convincing, and around a third of young people (32%) worry that the use of new technology, such as gen AI, will make scams much harder to identify.
The UKSIC reveals these findings as part of Safer Internet Day 2025, the UK’s largest online safety awareness campaign, which is focussing on the issue of online scams this year, following consultation with children and young people. The UK Safer Internet Centre coordinates Safer Internet Day each year in the UK, supported by thousands of organisations to reach millions of young people, parents, carers, and educators across the country, giving them the vital information, resources and support they need to keep young people safe online.
The UKSIC hope the resources provided this Safer Internet Day can spark productive discussions and signpost effectively to further help if young people or the adults around them are worried about a potential scam online, as well as
help address the fact that 74% of young people want to learn more about how to spot scams online.
  Read the full research report and exec summary: Research – UK Safer Internet Centre