Isle of Man: Adults
Legislation, Statutory and Good Practice Guidance
Tynwald is the Isle of Man Parliament
Isle of Man Safeguarding Board for both children and vulnerable adults is defined by the Isle of Man Safeguarding Act 2018. The newly formed Statutory Safeguarding Board its website has not yet been completed. Safeguarding is not solely the responsibility of the Safeguarding Board but policies and procedures have been developed by them to ensure that safeguarding is everybodies business. Everyone who works with children and vulnearble adults should be aware of their safeguarding responsibilities and know how to recogonise, report and respond to safeguarding risks.
If you have any safeguarding concern in relation to adults please contact:
(01624) 685969 during office hours
(01624) 650000 out of office hours
Dial 999 in an emergency
All new Acts of Tynwald as enacted can be accessed via the legislation website
These include:
Regulation of Care (Amendment ) Act 2020
Data Protection Act 2018 and GDPR
Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 (as UK Parliament)
Statutory Guidance
Good Practice Guidance
Isle of Man Government: Inter Agency safeguarding Adults Policy and Adult Protection Procedures 2018-2020 These Procedures support the statutory guidance of the Isle of Man Safeguarding Board, Safeguarding Act 2018, and have been developed in line with best practice guidance from the U.K; the Care Act (2014)(UK), National Standards Framework “Safeguarding Adults” developed by the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services, London Multi-agency Adult Safeguarding Policy & Procedures and North West Safeguarding Adults Policy (version 4.8).
Regulation Authorities
Registration and Inspection Unit
Charities Registration and Regulation Act 2019 The Attorney General is the Registrar and Regulator of charities