If you are worried about a child, an adult at risk, or need help for yourself, please remember social care services are always available to help.
If you think it is an emergency, always dial 999
Contacts relevant to Child Safeguarding Concerns
For England and Scotland, follow the link to report child abuse to the relevant local authority;
For the rest of the UK, find your local social care services contact details by searching (use Ctrl-f) these pages;
Safeguarding Children Partnership's, Board's or Area Child Protection Committee's website.
You can also contact the NSPCC Helpline;
If you are a child or young person wanting to talk directly to someone, contact Childline.
Report Online Abuse to the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre:
Contacts relevant to child and/or adult safeguarding concerns
HM Government Sexual Abuse Support website
Links and support for anyone who is or has suffered sexual abuse or violence
Stop Abuse Together - a Gov.uk campaign.
Contacts relevant to Adult Safeguarding Concerns
For anywhere in the UK, find your local social care services contact details by searching (use Ctrl-f) these pages;
Safeguarding Adults Board's, Partnership's or Area Adult Protection Committee's website.